12 research outputs found

    Teaching-Learning Processes: Application of Educational Psychodrama in the University Setting

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    The use of effective teaching strategies should be developed from teachers’ reflections on educational needs. This study has a twofold objective: to identify needs in teaching-learning processes in the university setting as well as to present and examine the effectiveness of four psychodramatic techniques: psychodramatic images, soliloquy, role-playing and roda viva. A qualitative design using thematic analysis was followed. All 128 teachers participating in the Training in Teaching Skills: Educational Psychodrama (nine courses) were evaluated. Teachers (62.5% women) were from different disciplines. Two semi-structured group interviews were conducted using the focus group procedure. Focus groups were held at the beginning and end of each course (18 in total). The phases of thematic analysis were used as discourse analysis strategies. Teachers reported the need to develop active teaching practices with large groups, strategies to motivate students and skills for conflict resolution with students. Concerning psychodramatic techniques, emphasis was placed on the psychodramatic images to promote active learning and group construction of contents, exploring previous ideas and as an evaluation resource. In addition, the structured use of role-playing was positively assessed. These results identify specific teaching needs and support the use of psychodramatic techniques as a valuable educational resource in higher education

    Sistematización y evaluación de una intervención familiar con adolescentes con comportamientos problemáticos

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    La Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) es una intervención innovadora dirigida a adolescentes con comportamientos problemáticos y sus padres y madres, que ha comenzado a implementarse recientemente en Andalucía. A nivel teórico, esta intervención se basa en principios derivados de la terapia familiar sistémica y del psicodrama. A nivel metodológico se emplea el formato de grupos multifamiliares con especial importancia al encuadre y técnicas psicodramáticas. Específicamente, la SB-PFT tiene por objetivo mejorar las relaciones familiares y disminuir los comportamientos problemáticos adolescentes. Ante la importancia de definir y evaluar las intervenciones que se llevan a cabo con familias, y de contribuir a la fundamentación de la SB-PFT como una intervención basada en evidencias, en esta Tesis Doctoral se han planteado dos objetivos principales: sistematizar la intervención de la SB-PFT y evaluar su eficacia. Para responder al primer objetivo, se elaboró una Manual Técnico como propuesta de intervención de la SB-PFT. En este Manual Técnico se estructuró y definió ampliamente el marco teórico de la SB-PFT, su metodología, sus destinarios, sus objetivos, sus contenidos, su formato, la estructura de las sesiones y sus componentes clave. Además, se incorporaron orientaciones para la implementación y herramientas para la evaluación de eficacia de la SB-PFT. La publicación de este Manual Técnico fortalece el nivel de evidencia de la SB-PFT, supone un recurso para los y las profesionales, y facilita la consistencia y fidelidad a los principios claves de la SB-PFT en cualquier aplicación de la misma. Con respecto al segundo objetivo, se evaluaron todas las intervenciones de SB-PFT desarrolladas entre 2015 y 2016. Para ello, se propuso un diseño de evaluación mixto complementando metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas. En este diseño se incorporaron elementos que permitieron evaluar la eficiencia de la SB-PFT en función de la utilidad percibida de las técnicas psicodramáticas y de las trayectorias de riesgo de los participantes. Los resultados evidenciaron la fortaleza de la SB-PFT para promover cambios positivos en la inteligencia emocional de los adolescentes (y en la de sus padres y madres), para fortalecer la vinculación parental percibida por los adolescentes (también percibida por sus padres y madres) y para reducir los comportamientos problemáticos adolescentes, especialmente, en el seguimiento a largo plazo. Otros cambios como un mayor conocimiento de uno mismo, mejores prácticas parentales o más apoyo social percibido también fueron revelados. Asimismo, los participantes identificaron la metodología grupal, el role-playing y la técnica del espejo como los principales componentes de la intervención para promover cambios. Finalmente, destacó la eficacia de la SB-PFT para fortalecer la vinculación familiar en aquellos adolescentes que habían experimentados recientemente situaciones de estrés en el contexto familiar. En conclusión, la sistematización de la SB-PFT mediante el Manual Técnico y los resultados hallados en la evaluación de eficacia, confirman a la SB-PFT –según la definición de los niveles de evidencia– como una intervención familiar prometedora para los adolescentes que exhiben comportamientos problemáticos.Scene-based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) is an innovative intervention directed at adolescents with problematic behaviors and their parents. This intervention has recently begun to be implemented in Andalusia, Spain. On a theoretical level this intervention is based on principles derived from systemic family therapy and psychodrama. On a methodological level it uses a format of multiple-family groups with special emphasis on framing and psychodrama techniques. Specifically, SB-PFT aims to improve family relationships and reduce problematic adolescent behaviors. Due to the importance of defining and evaluating family interventions, and of contributing to the rationale of SB-PFT as an evidence-based intervention, this dissertation has proposed two main objectives: to systematize intervention using SB-PFT and to evaluate its effectiveness. To address the first objective, a Technical Manual for intervention with SB-PFT was developed. In this Technical Manual, the theoretical framework of SB-PFT, its methodology, recipients, objectives, contents, format, structure of the sessions and core components were structured and broadly defined. In addition, implementation guidelines and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of SB-PFT were incorporated. This Technical Manual adds to the scientific evidence of SB-PFT, is a resource for professionals, and helps to ensure consistency and fidelity to the key principles of SB-PFT in any application. For the second objective all SB-PFT interventions carried out between 2015 and 2016 were evaluated. We proposed a mixed-evaluation design combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and that incorporated elements to determine the efficiency of SB-PFT based on the perceived usefulness of psychodramatic techniques and the participants’ risk trajectory. The results showed SB-PFT to promote positive changes in the emotional intelligence of adolescents (and their parents), in strengthening the parent attachment perceived by adolescents (also perceived by their parents) and in reducing problematic adolescent behaviors, especially in long-term follow-up. Other changes were also demonstrated, such as increased self-knowledge, better parenting practices or more perceived social support. Participants identified the group methodology, role-playing and mirror technique as the main intervention components promoting change. Lastly, SB-PFT showed positive results in strengthening family attachment for adolescents who had recently experienced situations of stress in the family context. In conclusion, the systematization of SB-PFT using the Technical Manual and the results derived from the effectiveness evaluation confirm SB-PFT –according to the definition of levels of evidence– to be a promising family-intervention for adolescents who exhibit problematic behaviors

    The role of psychosocial stress on a family-based treatment for adolescents with problematic behaviors

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    The stressful life events experienced by adolescents with problematic behaviors, should be considered for implementing effective interventions. This study aimed to examine the adjustment of adolescents with problematic behaviors, and to assess the effectiveness of a family-based treatment, namely Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT), according to different stress profiles. Ten SB-PFT sessions, over 17 trials were implemented. Stressful life events and adolescent adjustment were evaluated at pretest and posttest, for the SB-PFT participants (n = 104 adolescents) and a control group (n = 106). The adolescents were categorized into three profiles depending on the nature of the stressors: family stress profile, individual and family stress profile, and low stress profile. The individual and family stress group showed worse adjustment. Effectiveness analyses revealed improvements in SB-PFT participants’ emotional intelligence, but not in anger and hostility. Furthermore, adolescents with low and family-related stress profiles showed enhancements in parent attachment. In conclusion, interventions involving adolescents with problematic behaviors must be tailored to the stressful life events experienced. Specific treatments should be used alongside SB-PFT, when adolescents are met with individual-related stress. Nevertheless, SB-PFT seemed to promote emotional intelligence and parent attachment, particularly in adolescents with problematic behaviors that experienced only family stressors.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad EDU2013-41441-PMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes FPU Program-311

    Evaluación de la implementación del Programa de Formación y Apoyo Familiar con familias peruanas

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    El Programa de Formación y Apoyo Familiar (Hidalgo et al., 2011) es un programa de promoción de parentalidad positiva que tiene como finalidad la mejora de competencias y habilidades parentales a través de una metodología participativa y experiencial. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia de la implementación de dicho programa en la provincia de San Martín, Perú. Para ello, se evaluó a los 59 participantes mediante un diseño pretest-postest de un solo grupo. Las dimensiones evaluadas fueron percepción de competencia parental, actitudes educativas de los progenitores y calidad de vida infantil. Se obtuvieron cambios significativos en el sentido esperado en todas las dimensiones evaluadas. Por otra parte, no se halló la presencia de ninguna variable moderadora que determinase claramente un perfil de participante que obtuviese un mayor beneficio de la intervención, debido probablemente al importante impacto que el programa tuvo en todos los padres y madres.The Family Education and Support Program (Hidalgo et al., 2011) consists on the promotion of positive parental role, having the improvement of parental competences and skills through a participatory and experiential methodology as a main purpose. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the said program in the province of San Martín, Peru. For this purpose, 59 participants were evaluated through a pretest-postest design from just a group. The evaluated dimensions were perceived parental competence, educational attitudes and quality of child life. We obtained meaningful changes, in the expected sense, in all the evaluated dimensions. On the other hand, we did not find the presence of any moderating variable that clearly determined a participant profile obtaining greater benefits from the intervention, due likely to the important impact the program had in all parents

    An analysis of different resources and programmes supporting at-risk families in Spain

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    The purpose of this research was to present an overview of the existing family support resources in Spain for at-risk families. We analysed 64 family support services from 16 agencies belong to 11 regions of Spain. In a second phase, 20 positive parenting programmes were analysed in depth to ascertain the extent to which they met evidence-based programme quality criteria. Our results suggest that services for at-risk families are delivered by public, local and social agencies. Most interventions were psycho-educational and aimed at parental training. The analysis of the positive parenting programmes ’ quality showed both strengths and weaknesses. Most programmes relied on a previous needs analysis and interventions were, to some extent, outlined in a manual. Nevertheless, few programmes have been evaluated according to evidence-based programme criteria. In light of these results, we discuss several practical implications for services and family support policies aimed at at-risk families.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España EDU2013-41441-

    Scene‐Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy with troubled adolescents and parents: A pilot study

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    Scene‐Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB‐PFT) is an innovative treatment used with troubled adolescents and their parents to improve family relationships and reduce adolescents’ problematic behavior. It integrates the principles of family therapy, psychodrama, and multiple‐family group methodology. This research is a pilot study to obtain empirical evidence on the SB‐PFT therapeutic process by gauging the perception of change of troubled adolescents and their parents, and assess the perceived helpfulness of its methodology and techniques. Ten multiple‐family intervention groups were drawn up, with 110 participants (63 adolescents and 47 parents), and we adopted a qualitative methodology with focus groups, using an inductive analysis of 290 active constructions of participant narratives. Concerning perception of change, the adolescents reported mainly gaining in social support, prosocial attitudes, keys to problem solving, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. The parents perceived improvement in social support, keys for educational practices, emotional well‐being, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. Regarding the perceived helpfulness of methodology and techniques, both adolescents and parents highlighted the usefulness of the group methodology for gaining social support, relativizing the problem, and expressing emotions. Additionally, participants referred to role‐playing and mirror techniques as the most useful techniques. In conclusion, this first study on SB‐PFT presents and describes its treatment for troubled adolescents and their parents. The participants’ positive perception of their personal and relational change after treatment should serve to promote further studies with quantitative methodology in order to verify the effectiveness of SB‐PFT treatment.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España EDU2013‐41441‐PPONTE Associatio

    Detailed stratified GWAS analysis for severe COVID-19 in four European populations

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    Given the highly variable clinical phenotype of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a deeper analysis of the host genetic contribution to severe COVID-19 is important to improve our understanding of underlying disease mechanisms. Here, we describe an extended genome-wide association meta-analysis of a well-characterized cohort of 3255 COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure and 12 488 population controls from Italy, Spain, Norway and Germany/Austria, including stratified analyses based on age, sex and disease severity, as well as targeted analyses of chromosome Y haplotypes, the human leukocyte antigen region and the SARS-CoV-2 peptidome. By inversion imputation, we traced a reported association at 17q21.31 to a ~0.9-Mb inversion polymorphism that creates two highly differentiated haplotypes and characterized the potential effects of the inversion in detail. Our data, together with the 5th release of summary statistics from the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative including non-Caucasian individuals, also identified a new locus at 19q13.33, including NAPSA, a gene which is expressed primarily in alveolar cells responsible for gas exchange in the lung.S.E.H. and C.A.S. partially supported genotyping through a philanthropic donation. A.F. and D.E. were supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and COVID-19 grant Research (BMBF; ID:01KI20197); A.F., D.E. and F.D. were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Cluster of Excellence ‘Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation’ (EXC2167). D.E. was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the Computational Life Sciences funding concept (CompLS grant 031L0165). D.E., K.B. and S.B. acknowledge the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF14CC0001 and NNF17OC0027594). T.L.L., A.T. and O.Ö. were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), project numbers 279645989; 433116033; 437857095. M.W. and H.E. are supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Research Training Group 1743, ‘Genes, Environment and Inflammation’. L.V. received funding from: Ricerca Finalizzata Ministero della Salute (RF-2016-02364358), Italian Ministry of Health ‘CV PREVITAL’—strategie di prevenzione primaria cardiovascolare primaria nella popolazione italiana; The European Union (EU) Programme Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No. 777377) for the project LITMUS- and for the project ‘REVEAL’; Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda ‘Ricerca corrente’, Fondazione Sviluppo Ca’ Granda ‘Liver-BIBLE’ (PR-0391), Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda ‘5permille’ ‘COVID-19 Biobank’ (RC100017A). A.B. was supported by a grant from Fondazione Cariplo to Fondazione Tettamanti: ‘Bio-banking of Covid-19 patient samples to support national and international research (Covid-Bank). This research was partly funded by an MIUR grant to the Department of Medical Sciences, under the program ‘Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018–2022’. This study makes use of data generated by the GCAT-Genomes for Life. Cohort study of the Genomes of Catalonia, Fundació IGTP (The Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol) IGTP is part of the CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya. GCAT is supported by Acción de Dinamización del ISCIII-MINECO and the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat of Catalunya (ADE 10/00026); the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) (2017-SGR 529). M.M. received research funding from grant PI19/00335 Acción Estratégica en Salud, integrated in the Spanish National RDI Plan and financed by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)-Una manera de hacer Europa’). B.C. is supported by national grants PI18/01512. X.F. is supported by the VEIS project (001-P-001647) (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ‘A way to build Europe’). Additional data included in this study were obtained in part by the COVICAT Study Group (Cohort Covid de Catalunya) supported by IsGlobal and IGTP, European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, COVID-19 Rapid Response activity 73A and SR20-01024 La Caixa Foundation. A.J. and S.M. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers: PSE-010000-2006-6 and IPT-010000-2010-36). A.J. was also supported by national grant PI17/00019 from the Acción Estratégica en Salud (ISCIII) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The Basque Biobank, a hospital-related platform that also involves all Osakidetza health centres, the Basque government’s Department of Health and Onkologikoa, is operated by the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research-BIOEF. M.C. received Grants BFU2016-77244-R and PID2019-107836RB-I00 funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, EU). M.R.G., J.A.H., R.G.D. and D.M.M. are supported by the ‘Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Competition, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (PI19/01404, PI16/01842, PI19/00589, PI17/00535 and GLD19/00100) and by the Andalussian government (Proyectos Estratégicos-Fondos Feder PE-0451-2018, COVID-Premed, COVID GWAs). The position held by Itziar de Rojas Salarich is funded by grant FI20/00215, PFIS Contratos Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud. Enrique Calderón’s team is supported by CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’. J.C.H. reports grants from Research Council of Norway grant no 312780 during the conduct of the study. E.S. reports grants from Research Council of Norway grant no. 312769. The BioMaterialBank Nord is supported by the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Airway Research Center North (ARCN). The BioMaterialBank Nord is member of popgen 2.0 network (P2N). P.K. Bergisch Gladbach, Germany and the Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. He is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). O.A.C. is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education and is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy—CECAD, EXC 2030–390661388. The COMRI cohort is funded by Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. This work was supported by grants of the Rolf M. Schwiete Stiftung, the Saarland University, BMBF and The States of Saarland and Lower Saxony. K.U.L. is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG, LU-1944/3-1). Genotyping for the BoSCO study is funded by the Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Bonn. F.H. was supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts. Part of the genotyping was supported by a grant to A.R. from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant: 01ED1619A, European Alzheimer DNA BioBank, EADB) within the context of the EU Joint Programme—Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Additional funding was derived from the German Research Foundation (DFG) grant: RA 1971/6-1 to A.R. P.R. is supported by the DFG (CCGA Sequencing Centre and DFG ExC2167 PMI and by SH state funds for COVID19 research). F.T. is supported by the Clinician Scientist Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Cluster of Excellence ‘Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation’ (EXC2167). C.L. and J.H. are supported by the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). T.B., M.M.B., O.W. und A.H. are supported by the Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen. M.A.-H. was supported by Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion program, grant IJC2018-035131-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. E.C.S. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; SCHU 2419/2-1).Peer reviewe

    Detailed stratified GWAS analysis for severe COVID-19 in four European populations

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    Given the highly variable clinical phenotype of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a deeper analysis of the host genetic contribution to severe COVID-19 is important to improve our understanding of underlying disease mechanisms. Here, we describe an extended GWAS meta-analysis of a well-characterized cohort of 3,260 COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure and 12,483 population controls from Italy, Spain, Norway and Germany/Austria, including stratified analyses based on age, sex and disease severity, as well as targeted analyses of chromosome Y haplotypes, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region and the SARS-CoV-2 peptidome. By inversion imputation, we traced a reported association at 17q21.31 to a highly pleiotropic ∼0.9-Mb inversion polymorphism and characterized the potential effects of the inversion in detail. Our data, together with the 5th release of summary statistics from the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative, also identified a new locus at 19q13.33, including NAPSA, a gene which is expressed primarily in alveolar cells responsible for gas exchange in the lung.Andre Franke and David Ellinghaus were supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (01KI20197), Andre Franke, David Ellinghaus and Frauke Degenhardt were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (EXC2167). David Ellinghaus was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the Computational Life Sciences funding concept (CompLS grant 031L0165). David Ellinghaus, Karina Banasik and Søren Brunak acknowledge the Novo Nordisk Foundation (grant NNF14CC0001 and NNF17OC0027594). Tobias L. Lenz, Ana Teles and Onur Özer were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), project numbers 279645989; 433116033; 437857095. Mareike Wendorff and Hesham ElAbd are supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Research Training Group 1743, "Genes, Environment and Inflammation". This project was supported by a Covid-19 grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; ID: 01KI20197). Luca Valenti received funding from: Ricerca Finalizzata Ministero della Salute RF2016-02364358, Italian Ministry of Health ""CV PREVITAL – strategie di prevenzione primaria cardiovascolare primaria nella popolazione italiana; The European Union (EU) Programme Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No. 777377) for the project LITMUS- and for the project ""REVEAL""; Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda ""Ricerca corrente"", Fondazione Sviluppo Ca' Granda ""Liver-BIBLE"" (PR-0391), Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda ""5permille"" ""COVID-19 Biobank"" (RC100017A). Andrea Biondi was supported by the grant from Fondazione Cariplo to Fondazione Tettamanti: "Biobanking of Covid-19 patient samples to support national and international research (Covid-Bank). This research was partly funded by a MIUR grant to the Department of Medical Sciences, under the program "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018–2022". This study makes use of data generated by the GCAT-Genomes for Life. Cohort study of the Genomes of Catalonia, Fundació IGTP. IGTP is part of the CERCA Program / Generalitat de Catalunya. GCAT is supported by Acción de Dinamización del ISCIIIMINECO and the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat of Catalunya (ADE 10/00026); the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) (2017-SGR 529). Marta Marquié received research funding from ant PI19/00335 Acción Estratégica en Salud, integrated in the Spanish National RDI Plan and financed by ISCIIISubdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER-Una manera de hacer Europa").Beatriz Cortes is supported by national grants PI18/01512. Xavier Farre is supported by VEIS project (001-P-001647) (cofunded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way to build Europe”). Additional data included in this study was obtained in part by the COVICAT Study Group (Cohort Covid de Catalunya) supported by IsGlobal and IGTP, EIT COVID-19 Rapid Response activity 73A and SR20-01024 La Caixa Foundation. Antonio Julià and Sara Marsal were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers: PSE-010000-2006-6 and IPT-010000-2010-36). Antonio Julià was also supported the by national grant PI17/00019 from the Acción Estratégica en Salud (ISCIII) and the FEDER. The Basque Biobank is a hospitalrelated platform that also involves all Osakidetza health centres, the Basque government's Department of Health and Onkologikoa, is operated by the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research-BIOEF. Mario Cáceres received Grants BFU2016-77244-R and PID2019-107836RB-I00 funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, EU). Manuel Romero Gómez, Javier Ampuero Herrojo, Rocío Gallego Durán and Douglas Maya Miles are supported by the “Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Competition, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI19/01404, PI16/01842, PI19/00589, PI17/00535 and GLD19/00100), and by the Andalussian government (Proyectos Estratégicos-Fondos Feder PE-0451-2018, COVID-Premed, COVID GWAs). The position held by Itziar de Rojas Salarich is funded by grant FI20/00215, PFIS Contratos Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud. Enrique Calderón's team is supported by CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), "Instituto de Salud Carlos III". Jan Cato Holter reports grants from Research Council of Norway grant no 312780 during the conduct of the study. Dr. Solligård: reports grants from Research Council of Norway grant no 312769. The BioMaterialBank Nord is supported by the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Airway Research Center North (ARCN). The BioMaterialBank Nord is member of popgen 2.0 network (P2N). Philipp Koehler has received non-financial scientific grants from Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, and the Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. He is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).Oliver A. Cornely is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education and is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – CECAD, EXC 2030 – 390661388. The COMRI cohort is funded by Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Genotyping was performed by the Genotyping laboratory of Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM Technology Centre, University of Helsinki. This work was supported by grants of the Rolf M. Schwiete Stiftung, the Saarland University, BMBF and The States of Saarland and Lower Saxony. Kerstin U. Ludwig is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG, LU-1944/3-1). Genotyping for the BoSCO study is funded by the Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Bonn. Frank Hanses was supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts. Part of the genotyping was supported by a grant to Alfredo Ramirez from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant: 01ED1619A, European Alzheimer DNA BioBank, EADB) within the context of the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Additional funding was derived from the German Research Foundation (DFG) grant: RA 1971/6-1 to Alfredo Ramirez. Philip Rosenstiel is supported by the DFG (CCGA Sequencing Centre and DFG ExC2167 PMI and by SH state funds for COVID19 research). Florian Tran is supported by the Clinician Scientist Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (EXC2167). Christoph Lange and Jan Heyckendorf are supported by the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). Thorsen Brenner, Marc M Berger, Oliver Witzke und Anke Hinney are supported by the Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen. Marialbert Acosta-Herrera was supported by Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion program, grant IJC2018-035131-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Eva C Schulte is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; SCHU 2419/2-1).N

    Description and analysis of the quality of programs for the treatment of antisocial behavior in the city of Huelva

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    El objetivo de este estudio es explorar el trabajo que desde los Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Huelva se está haciendo en el ámbito de la intervención de la conducta antisocial adolescente. El 47.83% de la totalidad de la población de profesionales de los centros sociales de la ciudad de Huelva participaron en este estudio transversal y de carácter descriptivo. Como técnicas de recolección de datos se utilizaron el formato de entrevista, una semiestructurada y otra abierta, y un cuestionario ad-hoc creado para esta investigación. Un total de tres programas, –GUIA, INGENIA y FAYME–, fueron identificados, y descritos de acuerdo con los estándares de calidad consensuados en la literatura para los programas basados en la evidencia. Los resultados apuntan que los programas cumplían en mayor medida los criterios relacionados con el enfoque ecológico, fundamentación teórica y condiciones de implementación de los programas, y en menor grado con aspectos relacionados con la evaluación de las intervenciones. Todos los programas fueron valorados muy positivamente por los profesionales, siendo el más destacado para el tratamiento de la conducta antisocial el programa GUÍA. En conclusión, este estudio permite describir en profundidad las intervenciones desarrolladas con adolescentes con conducta antisocial en Huelva y establece la necesidad de ampliar los recursos de intervención con adolescentes basándose en los criterios de los programas basados en la evidencia.This study explores the work done in the field of intervention of antisocial adolescent behavior by Community Social Services in Huelva (southern Spain). Forty-seven and eighty-three percent of the total population of professionals in the social centers of the city of Huelva participated in this transversal and descriptive study. We collected data using interviews, one semi-structured and one open-ended, and an ad-hoc questionnaire designed for this research. We analyzed three programs (GUIA, INGENIA and FAYME) in terms of the quality standards in the literature for evidence-based programs. The results indicated that, on the whole, the programs met the criteria related to the ecological approach, theoretical basis and conditions of implementation, but were weaker on intervention evaluation. In conclusion, this study provides an in-depth description of the interventions with adolescents with antisocial behavior in Huelva and underlines the need for more intervention resources with adolescents based on the criteria of evidence-based programs